Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


A historic British mansion located in Cornwall worth ₹16.68 crore turned out to be a disastrous purchase for the new homeowners. The British couple’s dream house turned into a nightmare after they discovered that the previous owner stripped the manor of its valuable gothic revival fixtures, The Metro reported.
According to the report, the new homeowners—Martin and Sarah Caton—paid a whopping 1.5 million pounds to close the deal. The Grade II-listed Bochym Manor was known for its Jacobean oak staircase, walnut-panelled library, and history stretching back into the Domesday Book. The ten-bedroom manor was home to secret passages, while historic stained-glass windows added to the sheen. The estate package boasted 13 beautiful holiday homes.
It turned out that the joy of owning the Cornwall mansion was short-lived. The former owner, Dr Mark Payne, had not only removed numerous fixtures and fittings, doors and windows but also the fireplaces, floors, guttering, plumbing, and electrics. Adding to their woes, three of the four baths were missing. In addition to this, the glorious and historic stained-glass windows were removed, which were unique since they were carved by the same firm that rebuilt the Houses of Parliament.
“I was distraught. It was like a warzone or like a tornado had shredded the place. He took pretty much every door handle, tiles off the wall, and the locks were removed,” The Metro quoted Caton as saying. He added, “There was some very random and bizarre destruction. I don’t understand the mentality behind it-it’s staggering that you can be that cruel, actually.”
Adding to the plight of new occupants was the disintegrated staircase, who found that Dr Payne’s hired workmen took out the staircase from the clock tower of the estate. Furthermore, the workmen had demolished the entrance pillar at the end of the drive so that construction vehicles could drive through.
